

The Real Racists

Ask a Wingnut - he'll tell you who the real racists are. Black people, and "their" racist-in-chief, Barack Hussein Obama.
There's your four cultural hotbuttons to fire up the rednecks and get them to forget that rich white men are robbing them blind. But, Obama!
It's just a joke! Don't you libtards have a sense of humor?
Oh boy, do the non-racists of the rightwing love Michelle Obama.


l.e.s.ter said...

Heh, we really elected someone with the middle name Hussein. I love America.

Redshirt said...

What a country!

Marmot said...

Wow. Any idea where those first two sign were located? I've seen some bad wingnut signs, but never anything like that.

Redshirt said...

Not sure precisely, but generically: The South.

l.e.s.ter said...

Let's not be too quick: Wisconsin and Missouri are the offending parties here...

Redshirt said...

Good sleuthing. Have you ever considered a career in Internet Detectivery?