

War Dancer

Grampy W. dancing with an Iraq war vet. If you recall those dark times, remember that it seemed W. got considerably dumber as his two terms went on? I saw a youtube of W. from his Texas governor run and he's sharp, quick, and responsive - totally different guy than Bush as President. What happened? Alcohol, or dementia?


SatanicPanic said...

He realized being prez wasn't so much fun and stopped caring?

Redshirt said...

Look at him! He's like a doddering old man! He's not that old. Something wrong in the head, is my professional opinion.

l.e.s.ter said...

I've seen the footage of his debates from Texas and as President and the degradation is pretty stunning. Cocaine and alcohol take their toll, even long after you've dried out. (Dude is 66, same age as Clinton, and everyone knows Clinton wasn't exactly a health nut.)

Anonymous said...
