


Rant continued: Another thing these God Botherers hate is intelligence. It's "elitism". Essentially, you could apply the cliche bully logic to almost all Repuglicans, Fundies, Wingnuts, and their fellow travelers: They are incredibly insecure about almost everything with their lives, and thus they lash out at what they perceive, or more likely, are told, are the causes of their problems. There is no end to their depths of their resentment and victimhood, as they are essentially fraudulent people - they're entire world view is based on Fairy Tales!

So, not only is Obama black(!), but he's incredibly smart. This fact encourages me, makes me feel confident; for these Wingnuts, it causes the exact opposite reaction. Hence their support of Palin, of W., of all the other truly stupid Repuglicans: They could have a beer with them, and that's all that matters. Right? They're real Muricans, not these Elitist east coast types....

Look above, at the scribblings of intelligence.

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