Perhaps you've heard of the recent uptick in politically motivated violence? All of it directed at Democratic representatives - but gosh! The Repuglicans have nothing to do with it! Who could blame them when they talk about "the greatest assault on American Freedom"? Of course, that would be the Health Care Reform bill just signed.
Remember that. All this recent anger, the spitting on congressman, calling John Lewis a nigger, Barney Frank a faggot - in the halls of congress - the vandalism against Dem offices, against family members... and that's just the start... all this anger is supposedly about this health care reform bill. Health care. I keep asking myself: How could anyone get so upset about health care reform? Disagree, sure, but label is as the greatest threat to America?
But then, the answer is quite simple: It's not about Health Care Reform. It's about a Democrat as President, and the Democratic party having majorities in both houses. And oh yeah, Obama's black. None of these losers care about the issues, or frankly know anything about them. And yet they get angrier and angrier, of course egged on by the Rush-Becks-Foxes of the world - cause their anger is good for ratings. And that explains that.
But as I've been saying for a while, the evil genie is out of the bottle, and violence is coming. And I know this will sound harsh, but I welcome it. Let's get this out in the open, and reveal that for one side, this war has been going on for a long time. And they're in a shooting war, they have the guns, and they're stupid. Easily lied to, easily fooled. They are pure fodder, ready to be martyrs.
Really, there is a religious war underway right now in this country. They've taken over many school boards in order to fight the evils of education; they are attempting to take over all aspects of government, and they will use violence to get their way. These so called Christians are anything but, and should be thought of precisely as one would think of a member of Al Qaeda: A religious terrorist.
They've been shooting up abortion clinics and doctors for decades, and we as a society tolerate it, because at the same time they've taken over the media, and so we hear what they want us to hear.
Well, there's only so much they can hide - I mean sure, a white guy flies an airplane into an IRS office, but that's not yet terrorism. But if this current wave of violence continues, or escalates, perhaps the Media will have no choice to call it for what it is: Rightwing, religious terrorism. And let us hold the sponsors and participants in such violence responsible for these acts.
There's only a few ways we're going to get through this era into another. Violence is one of these ways - and we will see if the principles of non-violent resistance work, because it is only one side engaging in the violence.
Also, Fundies?
I find it ironic that even if your stupid fairy tale was actually true - which of course it is not - most of you would be burning in the Hell you love so. Ha.
this is why I come to your place. Lost and reason, I am glad I found your place.
ReplyDeleteThanks veralynn. I'm already getting preemptively sad over the end of Lost. I don't know what I'll do with myself. Read more, maybe?