

Every Day is Captain Picard Day

You'll recall one of the few episodes of TNG that followed up on a previous episode. Picard chilling at the family vineyards after Borgification and then de-Borgification. Which should have put Jean-Luc on the sidelines/prison, instead of commanding.
Patrick Stewart with the Eternal Olympic Flame. Except it's not that eternal, not compared to the Zoroastrians. They've kept a fire going for some 4K years now, which is Hella cool.


  1. What happens if the Zoroastrian flame goes out? Bad consequences?

  2. I don't know. It would be fun to find out. I assume destruction and chaos.

    Imagine being the dude who let a 4K year old fire go out. Slept in - sick, with flu-like symptoms. Rushed to the temple but too late.

    Tried to restart it but lacking mojo.


Please be intelligent!