

(Restored) Owlbear Jesus is our Lord

Found in Mesa Arizona by a retired squire, can I get an "Amen"? Toast is awesome by the way, too. Butter, jam, honey, cinnamon, sugar, maybe some peanut butter, mmm. Toast. In this case, Sacred Toast.
Based on this touching retouch of a Jesus fresco in Spain or Italy or one of those types of countries over there.  As you can see, it's not so good, yet! Seen from another light, a hipster light if you will, a masterpiece.
Since news of the restoration made the Internet, it's become a smash hit. Breaking box office records in this little church somewhere in the European countryside. And why not? Would you not visit if you were in reaching distance? Just for the Irony? Sweet, sweet, Irony.

This is a true story by the way, kinda sad. Read here.

Also too for your piety, not mine of course and I wish I knew who's:


  1. Anonymous18/9/12 21:37

    That last picture was created by a user off of the forums.

  2. Ah yes, thank you.

    Here's the link:

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