


The Obamas. Aren't they beautiful? I'm so proud of our First Family I could go on and on - for reals. They are exemplary.
Amusingly, The Dark Lord Cheney ushered them into Imperial power. Little did he know - how evil is always defeated, by the way. From the most unlikely of places.
That's some serious fun happening right there, yes sir.
A man loved by children is 98% guaranteed cool and awesome. And this love you see here is what we all should be striving for, in both our families and in our respective greater spheres.


  1. Anonymous13/7/12 09:51

    Hitler was loved by children, too.

    Ironic that you post a story suggesting that Obama is decent, and yet insist for commenters to "Please be intelligent."

    You should take your own advice, friend.

  2. You failed my command. You're a "Conservative", right? You don't believe in science or facts or the human condition, other than what your Leader tells you, right? How is that intelligent?


Please be intelligent!