Er, well, not quite. Zero G though! This is NASA's "Vomit Comet", a modified plane that goes wicked high, then executes a series of dips, within which, for a few minutes, the passengers experience Zero G (good Gangsta name!) and practice whatever they are supposed to be practicing.
Also, as a sign of how wonderful mankind can be, I give you Lego Hawking:
Pretty good, right? And as a sign of how even more wonderful people can be, I give you:
Hawking in Spaaaaace!
And finally, as a sign of how terrible people can be, I give you some prototype new airplane seats one global carrier is testing whether to deploy or not. For realz!
In the future, who'll need leg room, amirite?
love the Lego's and hate the new seats...they aren't even trying to delude us into comfort anymore. *sigh*