

It Ain't Easy

Unlike say, President of the USA (*Cough* W.), Pimp is a position you have to earn. It's not handed to you, and you don't keep it by title - everyday is a challenge. And you've got to work your way up the pimp ladder.
Whatever it takes. Have you heard of goatse? If yes, my condolences. If not, I tell you truly: Look no further than here. I'll safely guide you through it. And, isn't context hilarious? This is just a puppet, right?

Also too:
Lady Gaga Kermit Coat. She's a star!


  1. I couldn't find my wristwatch

    Though I searched everywhere.

    I looked underneath the couch

    But my watch wasn't there.

    I looked throughout my living room

    I looked at my bookshelf

    "It's GOTTA be here somewhere!"

    Is what I told myself.

    And then I realized where it was

    My search was done, alas!

    I found my friggin' wristwatch buried

    Deep in Kermit's ass.

  2. Kermit the Green

    Was recently seen

    On Lady Gaga, seeming MANY!

    How shameful a Muppet

    Might have his hand UP IT,

    When most of us ain't gettin' ANY!

  3. Anonymous19/2/11 17:46

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Anonymous20/2/11 04:39

    IT"S AWESOME!!)) at the last second of this video THERE IS SUCH A FUN)

  5. Anonymous21/2/11 02:41

    The author is really cool. But some of the commentators are just posting stupid words.

  6. I take it you don't like Allah Spam, Anonymous? Alas, I love it, but it was in many threads, so I removed it. But spamming for Allah was one of the commands in the Koran, so don't be hating!


Please be intelligent!