

I wanna sexx U up

Say hello to the latest creepy invention of Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro - who excels at making creepy robots. It's his "thing", I suspect. Go on and look it up. This is a "telepresence" robot, meaning, for example, I could be talking to you through the robot, and the robot's facial expressions would match mine. The obvious end to this technology are surrogates, wherein copies of me would speak to copies of you, while the original is safely stored in a Cyro-Ark, bound for Vega. Or something to that effect! And of course, there would be plenty of opportunities to either A. Confuse the copy with the original, or B. The copy thinks it's the original.

Now, Prof. Ishiguro is not selling or presenting any of his robotic creations as sex toys. But... c'mon! It's technology 101: If it can be used for sex or to provide titillation, that will be the first widespread use of the technology; in this same rule, if it can be used for killing or destruction, that will be the first use of the technology. Sex and Death - they power everything.

It's going to be a wondrous Tomorrow....


  1. way to bring me down...alas, your words are true.

  2. That's the whole point of this blog! Bring people down, but while laughing!

  3. well then, excellent job! it's like a visual daily show. :) I like it.


Please be intelligent!