

Inappropriate Family Photos

I might be a prude, but in front of an open casket does not seem the best place for a fun family photo. But, the way things are changing these days, perhaps I'm simply behind the times.


  1. What if grandpa was a child molester, but also left behind a vast inheritance? That would totally justify that image.

  2. All good points. I suppose one cannot make a judgment without all the facts.

  3. they're southern. and I don't mean regionally. I mean lives out in the middle of nowhere 'south'.

    they are probably just excited they got to go to the big city

    then again, I'm a real bitch. I can't deny who I am :)

  4. And of course they're breeding!

  5. Southern? Do you know for a fact, or guessing? Cuz my radar says Midwest, specifically Ohio.

    And dumb people always breed. It's our inverse evolutionary roadmap!

  6. no I don't mean southern by region....I was trying not to call them backwoods rednecks....I actually was thinking southern Missouri or northern Arkansas. However, you do have the gift so I must defer to you

  7. Missouri/Northern Arkansas are definite possibilities. Somewhere that's southern but not the south, in other words.

  8. Anonymous7/9/12 22:32

    Most of you are idiots. How about something LOGICAL? Those children were not around that old man (who may have meant something to the parents)before he died. Thus, they had never gotten a photo of them together. This was the ONLY opportunity to do so.

  9. Anonymous7/9/12 22:34

    Also, l.e.s.ter is over-compensating, trying to 'justify' one of his past experiences vicariously through these people. Why else say something so stupid and heinous?

  10. Are you one of those kids, Anonymous? Or one of the parents? Or the dead guy? Give us the inside scoop!


Please be intelligent!