

All signs point to the Singularity

Here's some examples of how matter bends spacetime - think of it like a bowling ball laying on a sheet, bending it down based on its weight (except in reality it's not a flat plane, but rather a sphere). Stars by themselves are large objects that massively bend spacetime, but compared to their remnants - neutron stars and black holes - they're tiny.

I'm focusing on Black Holes here, and specifically the Singularity which lies at the heart of every black hole (it is the object, in fact; everything else is a by-product of the Singularity). But Neutron Stars are extremely interesting in that they still reside in our "normal" world of physics we understand, yet they are right on the line to becoming a black hole, and are very strange. Did you know the surface of a neutron star is solid, and a neutron star could in fact be considered a single, solid particle?

Anyways, the Singularity - the point at the center of the black hole. It's called a Singularity simply because there's no other good words to describe it - we literally have no idea what happens in a Singularity, whether the rules of physics apply or not, etc. As our current understanding works, the Singularity is defined as infinite gravity in zero space; which is impossible, and thus the big task in physics today is to understand the Singularity.

Here's two diagrams showing the composition of black holes:
Again, these are not real structures per se, but rather the results of the Singularity in action. Black Holes are black because anything that reaches the event horizon never comes out, including light. No light means we can't see it - even using x-rays, gamma rays, etc. However, the areas just outside the event horizon can be seen, and in fact, at the north and south pole of every black hole will be large jets of gas shooting out, detailed here:
To wit: We know we don't know anything about the Singularity, and all we do know comes from its interaction with the surrounding Universe. We also know that there is a Singularity with every black hole (by definition), and we know that our Universe could be filled to the brim with black holes. There are different categories of black holes: stellar (made from an exploding star), and supermassive (likely the result of many mergers between stellar black holes). As an example of how fundamental black holes are to our existence - every galaxy (including ours) has a supermassive black hole at its center, such that, to me, it seems a supermassive black hole is a requirement for galaxy formation.

So, to bring it all home: We don't know anything about Singularities, and this lack of knowledge makes it likely our current models of physics are not correct, or at least missing something big (couple that with the matter distribution chart below - would you trust a theory that said "I don't know anything about 96% of the Universe"?) . We do know that Singularities are numerous, however, and important to the way our Universe works.

And finally, as I've shown with models of the Big Bang, scientists refer to the moment before the conception of Universe as a Singularity as well, since we don't/can't know anything about it. If correct, our Universe, and everything in it, came from a Singularity - the same type of object that exists right now throughout our Universe in Black Holes.

And now my theory - MY theory, so feel free to correct: The Big Bang was the result of a Singularity in another Universe exploding, and this explosion created a new Universe - ours. This process happens all the time, and eventually, once a black hole(S) get big enough, will happen in our Universe as well. This is the foundation of the Multi-Verse - a higher order dimension that contains Universes like so many soap bubbles. Think of the scale of that for a while.

Once again, we come from nothing, which is also everything. Form is emptiness, emptiness form.


  1. Sorry i'm not intelligent bud want to be reasonable and pleace correct me if i'm wrong. Alchymists knew from the verry beginning some important rules like the emerald table saying something like if it exists in small there's a bigger one, so my point? I beleave the point of singularity we know as the zero and nothing and everything the oneness. Also known as the tranmutation of human from Ego to Selfawareness through the vortex. In the history of the indians I found a pi-stone simbolising the gate men kan pass to find the world of dreams. Your idee is therefor already known this kind of humanity must take a big step and starting to believe that there's something bigger; Laslo knows this and said humanity is miving in a bigger movement and the movement is covergent to the singularity point and it goes faster and faster.

  2. Sorry i'm not intelligent bud want to be reasonable and pleace correct me if i'm wrong. Alchymists knew from the verry beginning some important rules, like the emerald table. Saying something like :if it exists in small there's a bigger one, so my point? I beleave the point of singularity we know as the zero , nothing and everything the oneness also is known as the tranmutation of human from Ego to Selfawareness through the vortex. In the history of the indians I found a pi-stone symbolising the gate men kan pass trough to find the world of dreams. Your idee is therefore already known this kind of humanity must take a big step and starting to believe that there's something bigger going on; Laslo knew this and said humanity is moving in a bigger movement. and it is covergent to the singularity point and it goes faster and faster. Thus knowledge is comming together and finaly emerge. Could be a dimension thing. Sory for my language.

  3. I dig it. How about this: According to Quantum Dynamics, you cannot know the properties of anything until you measure it - its spin, its mass, its location, its direction, its speed, nothing. Until something is measured, it is everywhere and nowhere.

    Thus, we - life - are the means the universe measures itself. We bring everything into existence by our consciousness. We measure (seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting, touching, thinking), and thus: Everything.

    The Universe is in our heads.

  4. Anonymous1/6/21 05:33

    Ever strike you that Singularities are Consciousness? Just like the Initial One, that Birthed this current Universe?



Please be intelligent!