The creative culling has commenced! Lots of deaths on Lost last night (spoilers for last night's episode!). By my count, we lost Sayid, Sun, Jin, and probably Lapidus, as well as four score or so of Widmore's Nerds of Doom. I assume Widmore is still safe somewhere on Hydra. And speaking of Hydra, where's Ben, Richard, and Miles?
It's been clear to me since at least The Lighthouse that Jack is the Jacob replacement, and the only reason I'm not more confident is this seems too obvious. But Jack sure is acting like Jacob in the past handful of episodes, especially last night's. He's getting the game, and the rules. Sure would be easier if someone just told him what the rules are.
For instance: Smokey is lying about being able to kill the Candidates. Jack realized this at the end, too late. But then, Smokey storms off, talking about finishing the job. If he can't kill Jack, for example, who will - the Other-Others?
Poor Claire. That's all.
And Sayid got his redemption, I suppose. He wanted to die, and he died saving people he came to care about. And he did not kill Desmond. Alas, I'm not sure we'll get much more on Sayid on island, and I still want to know how he came back to life!
It seems clear, again, that the Alt reality is either "Happy Ending Land", or is some form of wish-fulfillment. Everything is generally good for folks there, but always with a catch. Despite a few mumbles from Locke last night, and the seeming unsaid knowing of Bernard, I'm not sure we advanced the alt-plot much. Surely, there will be a shared resolution to each storyline?
Sun and Jin's death struck me as dumb, ONLY because what about their daughter? They both would rather die than have one parent available for Ji Yeon? C'mon. Otherwise, the Kwon storyline was pretty boring, so I'm ok. More upset about Sayid, and Lapidus. Bye Frank!
Amusingly enough, the one person who, apparently, the "island is done with" - KATE - gets shot but doesn't die. I don't want her to die, but whoo-boy did a hue and cry go up on the internet over this. I'm actually really into Kate's story this year - saving Claire - and I'm rooting for her to succeed. So don't die Kate!
Also, Flocke is bad ass.
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