

The Future of Lighting

This is the Bosporus bridge, which connects Asia and Europe and is in the same general spot as the first bridge connecting the two continents, constructed by the old Persian leader Xerxes.

The light you see on the bridge is made by thousands and thousands of LEDs. Light Emitting Diodes are the future of all lighting for the foreseeable future. They use very little power, produce almost no heat, last for decades, and can be controlled via digital signals - which opens the door to an infinite amount of options. Add in the fact that you can make LED's in the prime colors (Red Green Blue), and then mix those colors to produce any color in the spectrum, and perhaps you can see the amount of possibilities.

Believe me! I actually know what I'm talking about on this subject.


  1. "Top 10 Things Overheard in a General Electric Research Lab...

    'The new guy developed a new long-lasting, inexpensive filament. Kill him.' "

  2. Don't worry - LED's are plenty expensive for now.


Please be intelligent!