

Center of the World

Not a photoshop, but rather an incredible shot of the Icelandic volcano and the northern lights. Amazing.

Iceland could claim easily enough to be the "center of the world" - the island sits atop the mid-Atlantic ridge which is, right now, pushing the Americas and Europe/Africa further and further apart - I think it's an inch or two per year. That adds up!

But then, as a very old and very useful mythological metaphor, every place on Earth could legitimately claim to be "the center of the world", since, what point is actually the center on a surface of a sphere? There is no center, or, conversely, every point is the center.

It's a powerful metaphor if you let it soak in.


  1. It is a powerful metaphor. But, New York City. No question.

  2. Some snooty guy in Paris disagrees!


Please be intelligent!