

It takes all kinds

And this concludes this cycle of "Stormtroopers in the wild". Wait!

 One more family pic - they're so cute!

And seriously, I half make fun of these folks, but I think I respect them too - they have the courage to dress up like this in public. That takes a lot. 


  1. Awesome series. But would they have the guts to wear the uniform to jury duty? That's the real test.

  2. You're referring to crazy Star Trek jury duty lady, right? You know, those folks seem weird and twisted, while the Stormtrooper folks seem like they're just having fun. Hmmm.

  3. I'm more sympathetic to the jury duty lady.

    "Adams, who was selected from a pool of more than 150 Arkansas residents, told 'American Journal' she believes in the ideals expressed in Star Trek. She said she found Star Trek an alternative to 'mindless television' because it promotes inclusion, tolerance, peace and faith in humankind."

    What's so twisted 'bout peace, love, and understanding?

  4. No one's buying that shit today, brother! Greed, hate, and anger is where it's at. Apparently.

    Thus, the Stormtrooper.

    Trek is Dead. Long Live Star Wars!


Please be intelligent!