Not OK - not a Republican. Here, from Suhail Khan, Bush appointee in the Dept. of Transportation:
Many preceding presidents wouldn't go as far as to even enter the Oval Office without a suit and tie, much less use this very important and public office in an informal or casual manner. And yet, while conferring with his senior aides in the Oval Office, President Obama obviously feels it appropriate enough to prop-up his feet on the historically significant nineteenth-century Resolute Desk. Perhaps its the age in which we live, or a new time of informality, but I'm sure I'm not alone in being just a bit uneasy with such a disregard for the highest American office, however small or insignificant the gesture may be. In the grand scheme of things, putting one's feet up on White House furniture isn't akin to the high crimes and misdemeanors of say Watergate or even President Clinton's antics with interns and the like, but President Obama's callous gesture demonstrates a significant lapse of respect for our highest office.
This is but one example out of countless examples of the raging hypocrisy of the Repuglicans and their supporters. To wit: There is no amount of hypocrisy or cognitive dissonance they can not or will not engage in. They could say one thing in the morning and reverse themselves in the afternoon and it will be accepted.
We're living in a political climate in large part made up of pure lies and BS - all coming from one side, and amplified by a compliant media.
You would think reasonable people could look at these two pictures and understand it's no big deal. But Repuglicans are not reasonable people - they're the villains in the American tale. And as such, there's no amount of lying and deception they will not engage in for the pursuit of power and money.
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