

The Good Guys

This is literally NAZI propaganda - 1944, Leest Storm y'all - and so I just done gone and Goodwined myself, for shame. However, being so upfront about it should give me some points. That out of the way...

Fascinating to see how they, Evil NAZI's, tried using American symbols and themes in a perverted way, to show I assume German citizens that these Americans we're not all movie cowboys and jazz musicians. But to the average European, especially 5 years into the horrendous war, the myth of America and the coming LIBERATORS (another version of this same poster, with some added color) must have been tempting.

Americans, of course, are rigorously trained to understand that we, collectively AMERICA, are the Good Guys, always have been, always will be, and we can do little wrong. Anyone who says otherwise is a no good dirty traitor and should move to Canada, pronto.

But I guess Bad Guys everywhere and through all of time mostly talked themselves and maybe the people around them into believing they were the Good Guys, too. I mean, it's hard not to, no matter what you're actually up to - who wants to think of themselves as the Villain? No one, not even stinking NAZI's for FSM's sake. Everyone else is the villain; me? I've got noble intentions. And so it goes.

Not saying America is the Bad Guy, well, at least not always. Hard to argue against that these days, or at least it was prior to 2009. But any State that pursues Empire will eventually have to resort to coercion and force to maintain that Empire and once you've started down the path of coercion and force to maintain Empire, well, there you are: An Imperial. And good luck arguing how the Empire brought schools and electricity to poor, backwards worlds. You'll always end up justifying the destruction of Alderaan.


  1. I love the flow across this series of posts, storm troopers to lizards to dinosaurs and back to storm troopers. Monstrous!

  2. Thanks. I've been paying waaaay to much attention to this flow from post to post. I've liked the results, but it's a lot more work. I don't know how long I'll keep doing it.

    Now I've got to figure a way to tie this picture to Lost - wish me luck! LOL.

  3. I just love reading your stuff. :)

    I am randomly going through the labels and clicking on links....I kinda like it

    Merry Christmas....ha! and this post is from warm April....of course that was a sad month..March and April. :(

    Anyway, nothing like bringing yourself down at Christmas!

  4. and I'm thinking about posting this to my blog....and I feel weird telling you about it. I haven't told anyone except a few of my online friends...anyway, I thought I'd give it a shot. you are not obligated to stop by....really, but I really love what you say I may be stealing.... :)

  5. Go for it. The interwebs are for sharing.

    If you're blog is linked in your sig, I'll be there shortly.


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