The interwebs have long surmised that there's something very special about Desmond, given the various time wonkery things that have happened to him. Fer instance, turning the Failsafe key when the hatch was imploding. Then he shows up naked in the jungle - how does that happen, exactly? Then he starts seeing glimpses of the future, with Charlie dying, and he tries to save him for awhile but then gives up, and instead points Charlie towards a productive end.
In a later episode, The Constant, we see Desmond's mind travel back and forth in time, finally "merging" when he talks to Penny on Christmas (awwww).
So, Island Jesus. Somehow. That's why he's The Package, somehow the foil to Smokey's well laid plans. Or, to save everyone. Save the world.
That's the other cool theory I've been reading lately: The conflation of the hatch and the button pushing, with the island and Jacob-Smokey. Each is in a situation, stuck performing a rote task which they are told is of the utmost importance, but they truly don't know. Over time this task becomes hellish, and someone tries to escape - and given that a pair of people are needed, the gig is up.
So, Island = Hatch, And thus Jacob = Desmond, and Smokey = Radzinksy
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