


I have obtained a wealth of Wingnut Teabaggin' pictures. If my fancy strikes, I might post many of them, as part of the project all Americans of good faith (not the religious sense) should be engaging in -- pushing back these thugs. These right wing wackos who are essentially a homegrown insurgency. They are dangerous -- in both the physical sense (shootings -- and there's been several already this year), and political sense. These people are a threat to our country.

So know them. They might even be in your families. Push back on incorrect facts -- it probably will not change any minds, but we have to try. For the children, dontchyaknow?


  1. "If [this legislation] passes, Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin will leap out of their graves to high-five Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, and then head over to the White House for a fist-bump," says the spokesman. "That's the kind of radical plan that they're pushing down America's throat. It's the fine print that scares us."

  2. Anonymous6/8/09 13:57

    Repugs never met hyperbole they didn't want to fornicate


Please be intelligent!