

Freedom is Slavery

It's like a Black Fly in your Chardonnay. But where I'm from, a dead Black Fly in your wine is one less bug that will bite you, so, yay!

Ironic, yeah?


  1. Well originally it was called French Fence company but after the frogs wouldn't help us in Iraq they had no other choice but to change the name.

  2. Did you hear about the "Gog and Magog" phone call?

  3. No I didn't hear about that but I'm not really surprised by it. I mean he did say it was a crusade at the very beginning of the War on Terror.
    Just goes to show two things, obviously no American journalist choose to investigate said phone call or even learn what was said before the lead up to the Iraq 2 and if they did know didn't say anything until after the 04 election. Second the Bush Admin was really believing it's own hubris because I have to think that they must have so much info on other world leaders that they have at least a clue on what to say in order to push them a certain way. I mean you go up to a friend and you want to borrow their car you know how to approach him/her. I doubt Jabbering for Jesus has ever persuaded many world leaders.

  4. Another of Tricky Dick's legacies: The major media is an arm of the Republican Party, propaganda division. Which is a big division.

    For two reasons: Nixon actively campaigned against the media, and took actions against them to intimidate them. The Republican Party later developed this to perfection - LIBERAL MEDIA!

    Two, Watergate as a media event scared the ruling class and ensured that it will be difficult to repeat - against a Republican President, of course. Demoncrats are fair game.

  5. Can't edit comments. Dumb.

    Anyways, see, Ailes, Roger.

  6. I agree there isn't really a liberal media. I don't even think there is really a mainstream free press these days. Most or all media outlets now are huge conglomerates run by just a few corporations. An example would probably be what happened on 60 Minutes a few weeks ago on the Benghazi story.
    Simon and Schuster was putting out the book and 60 Minutes did an interview with the author, both are owned by CBS. Just like I am sure that Rupert Murdoch owns a few publishing companies so Glenn Beck writes a book for one, he gets to do press in all the Murdoch media outlets and it seems like they are just wanting to talk to this author but really they are just doing free advertising.
    On the bright side though, ratings are way down at CNN. A ten year low in fact, Fox News demo is so old I 'm sure that in 10 years they will also see a dip. Gen X and especially Millenials aren't watching the news but reading it online.

  7. Even "the liberal" MSNBC is owned by Comcast/General Electric. Noted LIBERAL concerns.

  8. MSNBC makes sense because there is a market for liberals and progressive. It's just that MSNBC doesn't exert the same control on its political coverage as Fox does. I seriously doubt you will see Rachel Maddow saying that a Dem Gov is "spooning" or "BFF" if they signed on with a Republican Presidents signature program which is what happened to the Gov of Ohio this week on Fox for joining the Medicaid Buy In.

  9. There's no comparing to Fox News. It's a straight up propaganda outlet.

  10. They are straight up Propaganda but they've also caused a huge fracture in the Republican Party with their "grass roots" Tea Party movement and have pulled all the other networks rightward.

  11. Yeah, I'm hopeful that Fox and the rest of the Right Wing propaganda machine will ultimately be their undoing as they drown in their own lies. It's already started to happen - see the Mitt 2012 campaign for "unskewed" evidence.

  12. Well they had to be all in for Romney and it is pretty hilarious to see Rove on election night screeching about Ohio. It really reminded me of that movie "Trading Places" when Don Ameche is screaming about turning the machines back on, it isn't over.
    I wonder how their coverage was for the elections earlier this month. I imagine they were only really talking about Chris Christies stunning victory.
    A guy at work came up to me and said Chris Christie won big in a blue state. I asked him, "Oh yea, who was he running against?" and he didn't know. I just replied, exactly.


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