

I Am!

Spartacus! I feel it necessary to add to the Intertubes record that I LOVE the Starz show "Spartacus". It's amazing beyond words and I'd encourage anyone who has a tolerance for sex and violence to watch it ASAP. For it is VERY sexy and VERY violent, and often mixes up the two - but is that not life?

I trust you all know the "true" story of Spartacus? If not, here be Wiki of it. An iconic story of FREEDOM and slavery - a story we live today, via dollars and wages.

The show is amazingly deep, yet plenty superficial. Here I give hunks and hotties:
There is an enormous amount of sex and violence in the show - X-rated levels, I'm sure. But this is our history - randy and filled with swords. We live today in the pinnacle of safety and sobriety. Back then, circa 70 BCE, it was a more Darwinian reality:
Think of how little truly changed from 100,000 BCE to approximately 1400 AD. It was almost completely swords and togas for most of our (humanity) existence. But then the Renaissance happened, and then the Industrial Revolution, and then computers, and now there's no speed limit, no end to it. We live in magical, fantastic times. Appreciate it, especially compared to our long, long history.

Also, appreciate the artistic beauty of the following screenshots of the show. Click for big as always. Spartacus!
The moment of revolt. Is it not beautiful? Well done, artistic people, say I!
Crazy good!

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