


Long did the fans wonder: Who was this man, and what was he carrying?

He's participating in the Cloud City evacuation, of course. But you knew that. He's on screen for about 1.5 seconds.

After deep deliberation the Internet determined this is a space age ice cream maker. And who would want to leave that behind if your Cloud City was about to get blasted?

Given the Rule of Lucas #3: Anything that can be marketed will be marketed - the Internet in its great wisdom divined that we need only wait for a name for this dude. Given Star Wars novels, comics, and relentless toy machine, it was only a matter of time until he got his own action figure. And voila!
Lucas has made it so: Willrow Hood. Space age ice cream maker and deputy of security, sector 23. 

Of course the other black guy on Cloud City is named Hood. Subtle.


  1. If I'm that actor, I'm totally showing up at conventions from here on out...

  2. It pays some of the bills, but imagine the Hell that is. Day after day, town after town, sitting in your little booth signing things for the spergiest nerds in existence. I get weary just thinking of it.


Please be intelligent!