

Sir, It's Bono on Line One

"And so The Edge leans over and says, 'I'm sorry ma'am, but I believe that's my wah-wah peddle."
Bono receives the "Most Orange Sunglasses on a Rock Star turned Statesman" award from the village idiot.
 "See, the key is you get them in bed first, THEN you tell them about the STD. Not the other way around!"
 "You see, I almost like leader of Russia, yes. And I am climbing up sexy ranks swiftly!"
 As with all things, Vladimir was well ahead of the times - this photo was taken in June 2001 - BEFORE 9/11 changed everything, including the creation of the obligation that all world leaders must meet with Bono. And look! Vlad brought Poodle Blair along for the visit. He must have been so excited - to actually meet Bono! Wow!

To be serious though, it's quite amazing/odd what Bono has accomplished these last twenty or so years. Who'd have thunk it? He should run for President of the World. I bet he'd win.

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