

Stop: Corroborate and listen

Here's some evidence to many of the points I made below, from real life Science types. From highest/biggest to lowest/smallest:
Simple drawing show one concept of the multiverse - and remember: The part we can see might just be a smaller part of a bigger Universe, but even that larger Universe is just one bubble in an ocean of bubbles, which in turn might just be one bubble in an even bigger multiverse, and so on, forever. However, this is purely theoretical, since, how can you test for it?
Our bubble (artist's representation). Looks like a cell, right? The white lines would be matter/energy, and the blue would be the expanding sphere of spacetime.

A close up into the pic above - partly artist representation, partly real photographs. Consider in the above as we zoom in closer and closer, you finally see a galaxy.  Thus, what you're looking at here are strings and strings of billions of galaxies - they make a structure unto themselves, a structure we are part of. Here's some real proof:
Click for big - an actual photo of 1.6 million galaxies, which in the scheme of things is a drop in the bucket. But you can see the filament like structure they're arranged in. Now, each and everyone of these point of light is really this:
A galaxy. This is M31 - Andromeda - our nearest big galactic neighbor. Bigger than us in fact. But just one galaxy among the countless billions and billions, all filled with:
Stars and planets. This is an actual photo of a star with three exoplanets orbiting around. There's probably many more, and at this point, everyone's coming to the tentative conclusion that almost every star has planets, and even other weirder things like neutron stars have planets. There's planets everywhere.

That covers section 2 below, in which I tried and show the Universal gravity well which defines our reality - going back up from the planet to the star to the galaxy to the collection of galaxies and so on is to go ever deeper down into that gravity well. Whilst simultaneously....

Our entire Universe - our bubble - is expanding. Above shows 4 possible outcomes of this expansion, and the answer is dependent on the speed of the expansion versus the pull of gravity. In each of these examples you can see the entire universe displayed, but make no mistake - it's always there, expanding. Option1 (Big Crunch) makes a lot of intuitive sense, but the data is pointing to option 4 instead, which would leave us - trillions of years in the future - in a universe of no energy or matter. Nothingness.
And finally, imbalance:
Here's the famous pic from the WMAP satellite  showing temperature variations in our very early universe. The other examples show how this variation plays out on smaller scales. Now, important to note - the actual variance from one spot to another was incredibly, incredibly minuscule. But it's enough to measure, and it was enough to produce everything you see or could ever see around you.

And us? We're a dream, I think - a fizz of energy that arises and subsides. Life - all life - fits into this model, somewhere, and I think it's entirely as a chemical process. Making us a darn smart chemical reaction, I tells ya:


  1. wow. you never cease to stun me. I am in awe of your brain sir. A true representation of the Redshirt.

  2. Actually, a real redshirt's gotta be pretty dumb, by definition. Who else is stupid enough to follow Kirk down to the planet's surface!

    But thanks for the kind words. :)

  3. I like to think of you as a Next Gen Redshirt.....not Kirk but Picard.

  4. That's pretty high praise where I come from - a banished gypsy tribe of star trek nerds. :)

    I've been banished from this tribe though for loving Star Wars too much, which is considered blasphemy, which I get, but don't care. I'll love what I love, damn their rules.

  5. There are those who believe that life here began out there, far across the universe, with tribes of humans who may have been the forefathers of the Egyptians, or the Toltecs, or the Mayans. That they may have been the architects of the great pyramids, or the lost civilizations of Lemuria or Atlantis.

    Some believe that there may yet be brothers of man who even now fight to survive far, far away, amongst the stars.


Please be intelligent!