

Two Faced

Great stories should inspire other art. A theory!

In scanning the many Lost posts here to see if I had used this photo before (for shame! Redshirt has no tracking system in place and thus, I apologize in advance if I re-use a picture. I have once before, that I know of, and it was way back in the dawn of this blog - the classic "It's a Tarp!"
and it's worth posting again, Ackbar be Damned!)

But anyways, in my meanderings through the past, I came upon a list of Redshirt's top 5 tv shows. And I didn't like it. So, here, forthwith, is a new and improved top 5(for now):

1. Lost
2. Angel
3. Buffy The Vampire Slayer
4. Survivor
5. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

I challenge any nerd to question my taste. And, obviously, nerds need only apply.

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