

Memories for after the Fall

Pondering this... toy?.. for some time, it occurred to me how spectacularly luxurious it is  - and thusly, many, most of the things we have.

Imagine, if you will, that you've been in jail for the past thirty years. An item like this would be.... beyond conception? How would you even relate to it? It speaks to a level of luxury far, far beyond the baseline of survival, or even comfort. What do you do with this... toy?

Imagine, again, that it's sometime in the future, and you are living in some post-apocalyptic Zombie wasteland; thinking back to a time, to an age, that allowed such items to be built and people worked to pay for them... incredible!

That said, it's somewhat cool in an abstract sense - the detail and attention, etc. Not a recommendation though!

Oh yeah, Lost: Desmond is back on the Island, in the ground. Once again, this show is simply incredible for the amount of attention paid to the storyline, and working that into new stories. It seems fair to say that what we'll see as Season 6 ends are riffs on previous seasons. With some big twists too, of course.

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