

In other seismic news

Despite a recent bout of pessimism, it's hard to deny that in fact, the ground is shifting beneath our feet, and these seismic shifts might be part of the underlying Teabagger pathology - their closed worlds are getting all shook up, and it scares them, thus they lash out. It's understandable. Not good, but still.

Anyways, right under our noses, so to speak, it seems like the Drug War is being ramped down, piece by piece. This is an actual advertisement from a CA newspaper, for a completely legitimate service. There are many more ads like this. It's no big deal, of course, except it's a huge deal if it undermines the drug war.

Because make no mistake, like most everything else in our world, the Drug War is not about drugs, or about people getting messed up on them. Rather, it's about control, and control is always about power, and as far as I can tell, everything is about power.

The Drug War has allowed the US government unprecedented abilities to roll back many personal freedoms we as citizens once had. It also gives the US government another wedge to control other governments - for instance, do you have any idea how deeply intertwined the US and Columbian governments are? Did you know the US military has been in Columbia for a long time, on a near war-footing? Essentially, after the end of the Cold War, the Powers that Be needed another "hook" in order to control people and money. Thankfully! They found the Drug War and later, the so called "War on Terror"  nicely fit the bill.

Well, like with so much else, Obama is here, and things are changing. For the best, I think, though there's gonna be a lot of growing pains in the meanwhile.

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