

New Star Trek Movie

As a natural born Trekkie, I'm having something of an existential crisis. One the one hand, I am hard wired, apparently, to get really excited about any new Star Trek. On the other hand, I have the last ten years of history, which I vividly remember, which is nothing but one fantastically crappy Trek product after another. Culminating in the twin atrocities of the tv show Enterprise, and the movie Nemesis, which were both embarrassingly bad - I VOWED never to get sucked into the trap again.

And yet, hear I am, wondering when I will slip into the IMAX theatre so as to best avoid the crowds. But then I remember my vow! But then I look at pictures like the above.... and something... primal, stirs in my soul.


1 comment:

  1. Ain't no cure for the Class M planet flyby, baby. Resistance is futile, to coin a phrase.


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