2008; what can be said? A pretty craptacular year, save for the emergence of Obama, which makes all the crap well worth it.
I have great hopes in 2009 and in the years to come, because of Obama. He's not a messiah, but he is a smart, wise, and thoughtful man who will bring sanity back to our world, and truly begin the 21st Century.
'Bout Time!
I've come to realize that I will never have a flying car, as so often promised to me in the 1970's;
I've come to accept this, and I'm OK with it.
However, in lieu of this flying car, AND my serene acceptance of lack of said flying car, I would like a rocket pack, similar to but not necessarily the same as, this one.
Thanks in advance!
I've come to accept this, and I'm OK with it.
However, in lieu of this flying car, AND my serene acceptance of lack of said flying car, I would like a rocket pack, similar to but not necessarily the same as, this one.
Thanks in advance!